Corn & Chickpea Fritters with Feta & Dill

Makes 8 fritters

125g can corn kernels, drained
125g can chickpeas, drained and ‘smashed’
1 small zucchini, grated
½ cup baby spinach, chopped
80g feta, crumbled
2-3 sprigs of dill, chopped finely
1 egg
1/3 cup besan (chickpea flour)

Combine ingredients together. Add heaped tablespoon portion of the mixture to a lightly oiled non-stick fry pan. Cook until golden on both sides.

Nutrition information (per fritter): kilojoules 336, calories 80, protein 4.5g, fat 3g, saturated fat 1.8g, carbohydrate 7.5g.

These fritters feature in our recipe mini book, Fifty in a Flash. Click here to find out more.

Cheesy Vegetable Fritters